Orchard Manor, a public housing project in Charleston WV, is exactly one thousand miles from the wheat fields of Stafford County, Kansas. Ivy Elswick might not have been able to point out Stafford county on a map, but each morning, when she used her Hudson Cream flour to make her delicious homemade biscuits, she brought a little bit of Kansas to her hungry West Virginia family.
Her oldest son, Roy, never forgot the smell of those biscuits baking each morning. Twenty-five years later in a two-car garage, with 2000 lbs. of Hudson cream flour from Stafford county Kansas, 200 gallons of buttermilk and Ivy’s biscuit recipe, Tasty Blend Foods was born. In time that two-car garage became an 80,000 square foot, state of the art, AIB certified manufacturing facility capable of making 40 tons of mixes each day. Each year our bakery makes over 10 million individually-wrapped sandwiches for schools, convenient stores and private label retail customers throughout the eastern United States.
We’re proud of Roy’s legacy and grateful that folks like Paula Deen, Chef Jenn and dozens of other high profile, private label customers have chosen Tasty Blend Foods as their manufacturing partner.